A Worgen Druid at 85 has Stampede, Dash, and Dark flight as sprints, combine with the 30% speed increase in catform (and feral charge while in cat) and stealth and travel form when stuff is on cooldown, probably makes a Worgen druid one of the best Flag runners in the gameĪ Blood elf's arcane torrent and magic resistance make tanking multiple spellcasters much better, and the bonus energy or rage from Torrent helps an in melee with casters rogue or warrior more than the small bit of mana helps a Mage or warlock who wont benefit from the silence effect in most cases. Omen Threat Meter is the most popular addon for displaying the current threat levels on your target.

rogue (who gaints no benefit from haste like Mut and Combat rogues right?) and usually use Dagger thrown weapons unless the stats on bow or gun is higher would only benefit from being a troll while killing beasts while questing or when being kited by a frost mage. So Troll would probably make for a good hunter, with bow specialization, shuffle to get away from melee and haste means faster shots-more focus-more shots. Please note that the page below is the old Cataclysm page.
This companion addon for Raider.IO shows Mythic Plus scores, Raid Progress, and Recruitment status when. 194.8M Downloads Updated Created Oct 3, 2017.

Druid overview a top level guide to the Druid class Leveling tips and gear and what you need to level faster. Raider.IO Mythic Plus, Raid Progress, and Recruitment. Some classes/specs dont benefit from a Troll's haste effect as much, and their bow specialization is pretty moot for most of their classes, beast slaying doesnt help for raids or PVP usually and Da Voodoo Shuffle is pvp oriented and in a balanced raid probably not so helpful. Pages that are updated for Mists of Pandaria (and later) are here: Feral Druid DPS guide (raids and such) Feral PVP you rip and tear with the best of them. Technically there is a best one for each class/situation.